Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why I Do What I Do

Just a quick bit of info...
As of this morning, The Obscuritan Journal has received 927 hits. When you consider that as of Sept. 11th, the count was at 676, that's saying a lot.

1,000 hits has been a goal of mine since I started. My reason for this is that once I crossed that line, I knew I would have reached a point where I could feel good in really pushing outwards with this project in terms of advertisement and content.

Just remember: I might be the one doing the writing, but it is you, the reader, who makes this blog what it is. And while I certainly live by the adage that I'd still be doing what I do regardless if anyone is looking, I can't overstate the point that having people, some of which from points literally thousands of miles away, are the reason I continue.

So thank you for everything.

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